Wednesday 13 April 2011

Part Three- A scammers love story- Erin and Anges

Last email, I (Agnes) requested Erin to send a photo of himself before she could send him the $200. There was an offer for an additional $50 for his trouble. In a twist of awesome-ness Erin called Agnes and the conversation was narrowed down to the below)

Erin calls Agnes while on the train- he discloses some bullshit about regulation and high security secrecy and thus he subsequently cannot send me his FedEx "official" ID until the money has come through. He has a lovely voice although is virtually impossible to understand, I don't know what kind of English they speak there. 

But I digress- Erin informs me that there is A MILLION DOLLARS IN MY PACKAGE... woooooo... wait- is that a cool Nigerian million or US million- either way I'm getting short changed cos the Aussie dollar is kicking arse right now. Shit- I digressed again... 

Agnes asks Erin to send any photo any photo of himself, that it doesn't have to be his FedEx id photo, any photo would be ok and that as soon as it did come through, Agnes would wire the money to the account Erin had requested. 

Towards the end of the phone call Erin seemed a little confused. So did Agnes. Erin is not good at English and Erin was on a train trying to old in fits of hysteria and her wee... 

Now Erin really did sound sus at the end- whether it was me laughing or the reality that I did not sound like a elderly woman in my 80s so I backed up the call with another email.


Hi Erin!

So nice of you to call! I was on the train when you called so it was very noisy and a bit hard to understand you.

I think that I would like to see a photo before I send $250 US dollars just to make sure its you I'm sending the money to. That's what the extra $50 dollars is for. I know you have rules but any photo would be fine. Even one of you with your family would be ok, do you have a family?

To be fair I can send you one of my family if you like.

I have all the money ready to go as soon as I receive your photo!

Love Agnes.

Did someone say hook, line and sinker?


Attn:Agnes Collins,
Thanks for our brief phone conversation of yesterday. I acknowledge the receipt of your mail.I am a man of intergrity, i do whatever i say i will do. Also, I will like you to send me your family picture as well. I will like to meet with you and your family when i will be on annual leave this year with my beloved wife. find attached scan copy of my ID card and my wedding picture during our wedding occassion.
Meanwhile, I am looking forward receiving the payment confirmation of $250 today as promised so that i will forward your parcel to you and send you the tracking number in other for  you to  know  when the arrival date of the parcel to your country and wait for the collection of the parcel in your residential address as proposed.
You have to be fast about this because delay is dangerous.ok??
Yours sincerely,
Eric Johnson
Managing Director
Fedex - Nigeria.

Now, whether these are actually Erin or not is beside the point... They came with not a cent spent on my behalf and even if they aren't him- I'm still scamming his arse, so it's all good!

I decided to leave my lover hanging for a bit, treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen right?


Attn: Agnes Collins,
I do hope you have see my working  Identification card  and my wedding photo. Right now you have know whom you are dealing with, am waiting for the western union money payment confirmation slip in your next mail before the end of today in your country.
Thanks  and God bless.
Eric Johnson.

And a little longer...


Hi Agnes,

If you did not comply before the deadline which is tomorrow, your parcel will incur my demurrage. And if your are not ready to collect your parcel let us know immediately before it is too late. Delay is dangerous.

Eric Johnson.

Time for a new name... And for me to live up to my end of the bargain... Kind of.... 


Hi Ewik,

Ok so I have transferred the money. I had to use my friends name on the transfer thats why its different- 

MTCN- 1715893131
Sender name- Zoe Pelbart
Amount $2.50

YAY- I'll get my million dollars now- Should I look out for the postman?

Can't wait to meet you when you come to Australia!! How soon do you have leave???

Love you,

Agnes (BFF)

So what I did was send Ewik $2.50... Not $250... Honest mistake...

See Part 4 for his response...


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