Wednesday 13 April 2011

Part 5- A Scammers love story- Evan and Agnes

Evan just tried to strong arm the late Agnes Collins so I, now Joan Collins- Agnes' daughter, told Evan that Agnes died... That Evan had a stake in Agnes' will and that part of her final financials included the million dollars that was meant to arrive from in the FedEx package... Joan also requested Evans contact number to talk about his "inheritance"... inheritance is code for prank calls...


Attn: Joan,

We the entire member of FEDEX  are so sorry for the sad and sudden death of Mrs.Agnes collins your mother who pass away on saturday, please do accept our condolense greetings and I pray may her gentle soul rest in perfect peace and we which her nice rest in the bosom of Abraham. 

Please Joan you have to take heart. I wouldn't mind be your new father.ok Listen such is life, and life goes on.

Meanwhile, i will like you to send me your photograph so that i will know you. I will also appreciate if you can continue with the transaction where your late mother Agnes stopped, so that the parcel will be send to you and i will ensure that you receive your inheritance parcel  in good fate. The only charges she supposed to send  to us was $250.00 but she sent $2.50, unfortunately she supposed to send it yesterday be Monday but i did not hear from her. Please i will give you time to work on sending the $250.00. And as soon as you receive the parcel, i will instruct you to send me an invitation letter that i will tender to embassy for visit to Australia. Please i will like you to send me your address where the parcel can be delivered if it is different from the one Late Mrs. Agness gave to us. This is my telephone number as requested by you +234-70-4329-0302

Thanks while looking forward hearing from you.

Love from,

Eric Johnson
Managing Director

Ok so here is the latest- Evan/ Dad was getting a little anxious to hear from me to he sent me a caring email-


Attn: My Beloved Joan,

How are you today? I wrote you but since then i have not heard from you. Is all well with you? Have your late mum  Buried? Pls get back to me, i need to hear from you.

Eric Johnson

And my quick response to my new Dad:


Hey dad,

this is just a quick email for now, will send a longer one in a few hours.

Things have been very hectic here since we lost mum. Yes we buried her today, which is definitely a relief. She is in a better place now...

I will send you a photo of our family and give you some more details later in the day.

Love you

As promised:


Hey Padre,

Sorry about my last email... I was in a rush- had to organise a final hoorah for mum... We had a Hollywood themed soiree in her honor, she would have loved it as it was so true to life- a botox station, coke den and we even installed a grotto that looks exactly like the one at the Playboy mansion. No expense was spared...

Dad, you said you wanted a photo of me and my family- here is one from our party:

A little fancy yes, but we were celebrating a grand womans life...

So like I said in my first email- Mum, Agnes, left you an inheritance to collect and I need to speak with you about this- when is best to call??? We are trying to sort all her financial affairs out as soon as possible.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Joan- oh I'm the one on the right in the photo.. The other two are my brother and sister- can you be their dad too..???

Hmmm... I'm feeling at this point I feel the shock and awe status of my re-scam is slowly dying down... but I still can't help getting a very grinch-like grin every time I see that he has replied to one of my super ridiculous emails... Will he ever respond to some of the things I say- I would love him to ask what botox is or what a playboy grotto is... Has he seen a pool before?


Hi my dear joan,

Thanks for your mail. In fact you are a beautiful woman, i will love to see you in person as time goes on. Like the other two the are already mature to father someone, i guess i am right. I also thank God for the befiting burial you accorded to late Agnes your mother, i know she will be happy whenever she is right now. Actually, she have a parcel with  Fedex that she have not claim, but the only fee she has to pay is $250.00, if you can make arrangement and send the fee before the weeks tomorrow, i will do my best to ensure that you get the parcel in time.  It supposed to have incur extra cost, but i use my good office  to put on hold on it,  but If you are ready you can use the following information  of our correspondence western union agent below  as follows:

Destination: Lagos - Nigeria.
Receivers Name: Imoukhuede Henry
Note you are required to forward the below payment information after making this payment.
Senders Address.
text question; what colour?
Anwser; Green
Amount Sent in dollars:$250
Senders Name..................
MTCN #........................
Lastly, note that upon the receipt of this cost of deliver your parcel  will arrive your designated address within the next 72 Hours and i will forward you with the tracking number immediately.

Thanks while looking forward hearing  from you

I Love you,
Eric Johnson,
Managing Director


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