Friday 15 April 2011

Re-Scamming Reverend Style- Part Two

we just emailed the Rev regarding Courtney Loves (my) ridiculousness and her need for guidance.. This next email is to the guy that the Rev. informed me is the person I need to speak with to get my inheritance from the late Mathew P Allen.
(16/4/11) Courtney- Mr. Dic

 Hello Mr Oxford McMorris,

I am emailing you regarding my inheritance from Mr Mathew P. Allen. I received an email from a lovely Rev. Jonathan P. Daniels yesterday and he informed me that you are the man I need to get in touch with regarding the transfer of my 950,000 Pound inheritance. 

What do I need to do to get this money as soon as possible? I have a hankering for some illicit things, if you know what I mean. The aren't cheap and work is slow- I killed my cash cow... I mean, my cash cow died... naturally, nothing sus...

Get back to me asap bro.


Courtney Love.

Thou shalt wait patiently for thy reply..

It didn't take long...


Attention: Zoe Pelbart

It's good to hear from you after a long wait.
I have been contacted by the Trustees and Executor of the estate of late Mr. Mathew P. Allen in the person of Rev. Jonathan P. Daniels, to credit your account as the beneficiary of his Last Will and I have been waiting to hear from you to enable us proceed with the transfer of the funds to your bank account.
Frankly, We, the Standard Chartered Bank Ltd, 1st Floor 54 Jermyn Street, London SW 1 Y 6WL have contacted Rev. Jonathan P. Daniels who happens to be the Spiritual and Financial adviser to our late Customer Mr. Mathew P. Allen to find out the reason why he decided to make you the beneficiary of the entire funds he has with us and he explained all that he knows about it which we believe is the truth. Again, having seen your name and email address written in the Last Will and Testament confirm the reality of it all.
Therefore, we have no choice than to carry out the heart desire of our deceased Customer since he is the owner of the funds and it is obvious according to the Last Will and Testament that the funds (£950,000.00) are willed to you.
This is real and legitimate and all the necessary documents which prove the authenticity of the transaction will be made available to you as we proceed in the transaction.
The management and staffs of Standard Chartered Bank Plc, London have acknowledge the receipt of your mail for the release of  Mr. Mathew P. Allen amount of capital valued at Nine Hundred and Fifty Thousand Pounds deposited with Standard Chartered Bank Plc, 1st Floor 54 Jermyn Street, London SW 1 Y 6WL to you as his beneficiary. The £950,000.00 is equivalent to US$1,468,597.84.
However, kindly, re-confirm us the underneath information to 
enable us verify your authenticity before the funds are paid to you and to re-program your information in our online banking system to facilitate you have access with us. 

Full name:  ……………..
Full Address at Resident Country: ……………..
Age: ……………..
Gender: ……………..
Full Amounts anticipate: ……………..
Occupation:  ……………..
Mobile/Telephone Numbers: ……………..
We shall contact you shortly after the above details are received and you will be issued your online account log-in to enable you make transfers. 
The Last Will and Testament document of late Mr. Mathew P. Allen will also be sent to you in receipt of the above details.

Important Note: The bank advises you to keep every content of this transaction confidential, keep off entirely from the public until the transfer is completed. This is to avoid any fraud, discrepancy, double entry of claims and disqualification. 

Thanks for your co-operation as we’re here to serve you better.

My official Identity card is attached for your perusal.
Yours faithfully,
Mr. Oxford McMorris
International Remittance Director
Standard Chartered Bank Ltd, London
Phone: +447031809997, +447031849599

I am particularly fond of this ID and its attempt at creativity- combining so many different media to make one ID. Take for example the photo of a building with "Standard Chartered" on the outside, or the scanned "Signature" on a fucked up dodgy dotted line- the font of "signature" isn't even the same as "International Remittance Director" AND what the hell is a remittance director?? His photo, I will say, is befitting for an ID... 

Oh and lastly- I like that this whole ID is scanned onto what looks like any product you buy thats covered in plastic (razors etc)- you know the plastic that is an arsehole to get off- the kind that you HAVE to have scissors for otherwise it won't open... I assume, like those plastic covered products, that Mr Oxford McMorris' ID hangs on shelves besides the razors...

As of now, my assumption of this scam is that it is very different to Eric/Erin/Ewik/Evan/Dad because I now think so far that I have not communicated with anyone human... This is slightly disappointing since I crafted such a great email to a "Reverend" whom may or may not be a computer... But I feel I am at the cusp of a break through- once my details are sent through on the next email- human to computer to human interaction will begin... Wish me luck...


Word up Mr McMorris,

So whats the dealio with this cashola?? How long will this WILL take to process???

Here are my details:

Full name:  Courtney Love
Full Address at Resident Country: America
Age: 46
Gender: Female (at the moment)
Full Amounts anticipate: 950,000 pounds
Occupation: Drugs and twitter
Mobile/Telephone Numbers: 0404xxxxxx

I hate to be stating the obvious, but I feel you should be asking for my bank account details- Don't you need these to put my inheritance into???

Thanks and come back to me soon,

Your CLover

Ps - you should get a burger named after you.. I suggest one on rye, with organic foods- from the looks of your ID you seem very healthy and active...


At 13 September 2011 at 07:11 , Blogger Princessdot said...

I went as far as getting this Mr. McMorris to call me and if he is an Englishmen then I'm the Virgin Mary! The phone ID come thru as "Verison Local", I called him on this and he tried to cover it up with Networking blah blah blah!! Please do not fall for this scam. They are really using the "Christian" Card so, beware...


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