Friday 15 April 2011

Re-Scamming Reverend Style- Busted

Well I was right- I WAS on the cusp of getting in touch with a human... But I didn't know I was on the cusp of getting in touch with someone who had half a brain and could understand English... It was bound to happen but I got called out...


You should be ashamed of your stupid self.

I did the rational thing... Got angry and replied on the spot... Looking back, I should have replayed it... And tried to see if I could make him believe I was Courtney Love... Next time...

Really I should be ashamed at myself??? Really?? Really... Please Mr Oxford McMorris- great fucking name arsehole- not weird at all... Are you related to a dictionary??? 

No I guess you're right... I should be ashamed of myself... I wish I could be like you and try to scam people for their money- That is dream I'll always aspire to... Long live the champ Mr Oxford McMorris- International Remittance Officer... 

Ps Great ID... I mean really great- unbelievably believable...

I'm assuming this is the end... Unless my DIC wants to cyber to cyber combat with me...


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